Quiz #1 will be given Friday, January 15.
Some tips:
- You will choose to write on one of two essay questions, and have @ 20 minutes to do so.
- One question will be from the readings, in case you are a visual learner who does better learning on your own.
- One question will be from the lecture/discussion, in case you are an auditory learner who does better learning in a group.
- Budget your time by first making a brief outline in the margin of your paper, before you write anything. You can figure that by the 10 minute point you should at least be halfway through your outline. This keeps you from belaboring a point, and makes sure you cover all points.
- You will be graded on how well you achieve the following goals: clarity, conciseness, completeness. DON'T PAD YOUR ANSWERS.
I. You should be able to define the following concepts:
A. argument
B. proposition
C. concept
F. premise
G. conclusion
I. left brain/ratio/discursive reasoning
J. right brain/intellectus/intuition/contemplation
K. General revelation
L. Special revelation
M. fideism
II. You should be able to answer the following questions:
A. Imagine a friend back home hears you are taking this class and asks you, "Just what is philosophy?" How would you respond? (No, not that way! I mean seriously!)
B. What is the law of non-contradiction, and why is it so important? Can it be proven? Discuss.
C. Compare and contrast the different ways human beings can know.
D. Explain what Tom Morris means, in his Philosophy for Dummies, when he speaks about a "triple skill set of philosophy."
E. Should Christians study philosophy? Why or why not?
F. What are the various positions one can take on the issue of the relation of faith and reason? Explain them in detail. Which one do you hold? Why?
Please refer to the syllabus for phone number and email, or use the EBC email (just be sure to spell my last name correctly!)
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